Terms and Conditions:
By Clicking, "I Agree," I I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the provided information is true and accurate.
By Clicking, "I Agree," I am fully aware of and appreciate the risks, including catastrophic injury, paralysis and death, as well as other injuries, damages, and losses that may result from participation in physical activities and events including but not limited to lap swimming, masters swimming, aquafit exercising, camp activities, and triathlon. I understand and acknowledge the contagious nature of Coronavirus/COVID-19 (herein referred to as “virus”)and that the CDC and County health authorities still recommend practicing social distancing and mask-wearing. I further acknowledge that Team Sheeper has put in place preventative measures to reduce the spread of the virus. I further acknowledge that Team Sheeper cannot guarantee that I, nor my minor child (if applicable) will not be exposed to or become infected with the virus during participation in activities or programs with Team Sheeper or at facilities operated by Team Sheeper. I understand that the risk of becoming exposed to the virus may result from the actions, omissions or negligence of myself or others, including by not limited to staff of Team Sheeper and other clients of Team Sheeper and their families.
I voluntarily seek services from Team Sheeper and acknowledge that I must comply with all set procedures to reduce the spread of the virus while attending, participating or entering any facility operated by Team Sheeper.
On my own behalf, and on behalf of my representatives and heirs, I hereby voluntarily agree to release, hold harmless and indemnify Team Sheeper, Inc., its officers, directors, managers, members, agents and employees (hereinafter collectively "Team Sheeper") and the City of Menlo Park and/or Palo Alto from any and all claims for personal injury, property damage or wrongful death, and any damages resulting therefrom including medical expenses, that may arise out of, or in any way related to or in connection with, my participation in any activities, programs or events involving Team Sheeper at any location or facility operated by Team Sheeper.
I understand that this release is intended to discharge in advance Team Sheeper and the City of Menlo Park and/or Palo Alto from and against any and all liability arising out of, or in any way related to, my participation in activities involving Team Sheeper at any facility, even though liability may arise from Team Sheeper's negligence or other conduct by Team Sheeper.
I have read and understand the terms of this release of liability and indemnification agreement, and I agree to be bound by its terms.
I fully understand that Team Sheeper, Inc. staff members are not physicians or medical practitioners of any kind.
With the foregoing in mind and in the event that any kind of injury or illness should occur to myself while participating in any Team Sheeper event or program, I hereby authorize the Team Sheeper staff members to render first aid as deemed necessary in their discretion and/or to seek medical assistance, including calling 911 or otherwise arranging for the transport for myself to an appropriate medical facility for treatment.
Additionally, I hereby authorize any trained and licensed medical professional to administer emergency medical treatment to me should injury or illness occurs. I understand that Team Sheeper, Inc. will make every effort to promptly notify emergency contacts if listed on this account.